School Site MBG Compliance If you are human, leave this field blank.School Site Mandate Block Grant Compliance FormPlease use this form to submit your School Site Mandated Block Grant Compliance Form to us electronically. The following section entitled \”Your Information\” is required before you may continue.Definitions of Yes, No, N/AYes=The employee/s at your site performed any or all of the activities associated with the mandate/s as required by your site. No=The employee/s at your site DID NOT perform any or all of the activities associated with the mandate/s if the mandate/s was applicable to your site. Therefore, your site is NOT in compliance with the mandate. N/A=The mandate activity is not applicable to (1) your site (i.e. grade level) or (2) the activity related to this mandate or the mandate itself did not take place at your site during the reporting time period. Your InformationDate *Name *Job Title *District *Site *Email * MandatesIndicate whether or not you performed ANY or All of the activities listed under each mandate by clicking \"Yes\", \"No\", or \" N/A\" (not applicable). See the definition of N/A above.AIDS Instruction & AIDS Prevention Instruction Grades (7-12) - Program 269 *YesNoN/AProvide training to employees responsible for AIDS Instruction. Provide instruction of the program by non-teaching personnel. Provide written notification to parents/guardians about the program. Provide written notification of a guest speaker or assembly.Annual Parent Notifications/Schoolsite Discipline Rules/Alternative Schools - Program 272 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Distribute school site discipline rules to parents and/or guardians. Notify parents/guardians about alternative schools programs.California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress-Program 369 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Provided computing devices for testing as needed; notified parents/guardians about the testing; and reviewed all applicable videos and archived webcasts as well as the CAASPP Smarter Balanced Online Test Manual as needed; and ensure all designated supports, accommodations and individualized aids are entered in the registration system.Caregiver Affidavits to Establish Residence for School Attendance-Program 172 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Accepted and reviewed Caregiver Affidavits. Performed administrative tasks. Conducted or attended training on the Caregiver Affidavits process.Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting - Program 309 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG -Inform the member of the staff of reporting requirements prior to any interview of the suspected victim/s of child abuse or neglect.Collective Bargaining - Program 11 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Interpret the bargaining agreement with an employee.Collective Bargaining - Program 11 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - If a grievance is filed follow-up and work through the process.Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP) - Program 313 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Develop & write CSSP for a new school. Review and update current CSSP annually. Worked with other schools in updating the CSSP. Submitted the plan for approval to SSC. Include the status of the CSSP in the SARC.Consolidated Suspensions, Expulsions, and Expulsion Appeals - Program 330 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Make a recommendation for expulsion. Upon suspending a student for offenses under Ed. Code 48900 and/or 48915 than: notified parents, attended an informal conference, provide a written notice, and placed the offense in all appropriate official records of the student.Habitual Truant - Program 166 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Verify prior truancies. Make an effort to schedule a parent conference. Hold a parent conference. Reclassify the student as a truant.Immunization Records - Program 32 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Complied with the requirements for immunization of students prior to entering schoolImmunization Records: Mumps, Rubella, and Hepatitis - Program 368 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Record each pupil\'s immunization for, or exemption from, mumps, rubella, and Hepatitis B. Maintain the record in the pupil\'s permanent record. Conditionally admit a pupil not fully immunized.Immunization Records-Pertussis (7TH GRADE ONLY) - Program 357 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Unconditionally and conditionally admit students who have or have not been fully immunized against pertussis. When the student is not in compliance notify the parent/guardian that the child will be excluded from school. Exclude any student who fails to obtain the immunization or exemption.Interdistrict Attendance Permits - Program 148 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Give consideration to the Interdistrict transfer based on child care needs. Provide a written explanation of the reasons for rejecting the application.Intra-District Transfers - Program 153 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Operate a random selection process for intra district transfers. Determine the total enrollment and program capacity of the school site.Juvenile Court Notices II - Program 155 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Keep the record at the school until the student graduates or turns 18. Provide the juvenile court notice to the school counselor and/or teacher. Destroy the juvenile court notice when legally applicable.Law Enforcement Agency Notifications and Missing Children Reports - Program 278 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - File a report to a law enforcement agency of any acts of a student involving the sale or possession of a controlled substances or violation of Penal Code 626.1 (possession of a weapon). Maintain copies of the reports filed.Law Enforcement Agency Notifications and Missing Children Reports - Program 278 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Post notices of a missing child in an appropriate area. Placing the notice of a missing child in the student\'s school record. Notify law enforcement when contacted by anyone about a missing child.Notification of Truancy - Program 48 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - To be in complete compliance with this mandate the notification of truancy must be made when there are 3 unexcused days or 3rd thirty minute tardy or a combination of both. The notification MUST include the following: The pupil is truant. The parent is obligated to compel the attendance of the pupil. The parents may be subject to prosecution. That alternative education is available. That the parent has the right to meet with school personnel to discuss solutions. That the pupil may be subject to prosecution. That the pupil may be subject to suspension, restriction, or delay of their driving privileges. That it is recommended the parent accompany the student to school and attend class with the pupil for one day.Notification to Teachers: Pupils Subject to Suspension or Expulsion I & II, & Pupil Discipline Records - Program 292 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Identifying the pupils who have (over the previous three years) engaged in any acts under Ed Code 48900. Maintaining the information for three years. Notifying teachers on a regular basis of the students subject to suspension and expulsion. Inform the teacher/s of any student transferring in from another district who have engaged in any of the following acts, sexual harassment, hate violence, terroristic threats, harassment, threats or intimidation.Parental Involvement Programs - Program 350 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Promptly make all assessments available to parents/guardians for inspection within a reasonable time frame. Arrange for parental observation of a class or classes activities when requested in writing by the parent/guardian. Provide the retention and promotion policy in another language if 15% or more of the pupils in the school speak that primary language.Physical Fitness Tests-Grades 5, 7, & 9 - Program 173 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Acquire the material/supplies needed for the testing. Train the teachers who conduct the test. Process and analyzed score data. Test students by any school personnel other than the regular classroom teacher.Public School Restrooms Feminine Hygiene Products - Grades 6-12- Program 374 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Stocked 50% of the school's restrooms with feminine hygiene products at all times at no cost to pupils. Purchased and installed a sufficient number of suitable dispensers for feminine hygiene products in 50% of the school's restrooms. Repaired or retrofitted a sufficient number of suitable dispensers for feminine hygiene products in 50% of the school's restrooms.Pupil Health Screenings - Program 261 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Notify the parents/guardians enrolling kindergarten students of the availability of CHDPP services; notify parents or guardians of kindergarten & 1st grade pupils of their obligation to obtain a pupil health screening certificate. Follow-up with those parents who have not complied either with the certificate or exemption. Exclude those pupils from attendance for up to 5 days beginning the 91st calendar day after entrance to the first grade.Pupil Promotion and Retention - Program 244 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Provide parental notification when a pupil is identified as being at risk of retention. Meet with the parent regarding the teacher\'s evaluation of the student. Provide information regarding any supplemental instruction for pupils in grades 2-9. Reassess the pupil.Pupil Safety Notices - Program 280 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - For the principal of the school site, within 45 days of receiving lead test survey results from the Department of Health Services, to notify the teachers and other school personnel and parents of the survey results. (Ed. Code, § 32242, subd. (c).)Pupil Safety Notices - Program 280 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - To disseminate guidelines, upon request, that describe complaint procedures, adopted by the State Department of Education, to parents or guardians of minor pupils in the primary language of the parent or guardian which he or she can follow in filing a complaint of child abuse by a school employee or other person committed against a pupil at a school site. (Ed. Code, § 48987.)Pupil Safety Notices - Program 280 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - To provide an interpreter for a parent or guardian, whose primary language is other than English, in the case of any communications concerning the guidelines and procedures for filing child abuse complaints committed against a pupil at a school site. (Ed. Code, § 48987.)School Accountability Report Card (SARC) - Program 171 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Compilation, analysis, and reporting data. Annual posting of SARCs on the internet.Student Records - Program 308 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Provide access to records of current or former pupils to foster family agencies.The Stull Act - Program 260 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Evaluate and assess the performance of the certificated instructional employees. Evaluate the performance following unsatisfactory evaluation off-cycle years of certificated instructional and non-instructional employees including the following: Evaluate and assess performance, reduce the evaluation to writing, transmit evaluation to employee, attach response to personnel files, & discuss evaluation with employee.Williams Case Implenentation I, II, & III - Program 351 *YesNoN/AReimbursable Activities Under the MBG - Comply with the Williams Complaint Process which includes, receiving complaints, responding to complaints, if the complaint is beyond the school site authority forward it to the appropriate department within 10 working days, remedy the complaint within 30 working days, & report the resolution of the complaint within 45 working days. SignatureElectronic Signature *I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct based upon personal knowledge. * By signing your name in the Electronic Signature field, you are signing the MBG Compliance form electronically. You agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your handwritten signature.Reset SignatureSignature is required.Captcha *reCAPTCHA is required.Submit